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Transportation and Infrastructure

Meridian will prioritize citizen desires for a more connected and safe community infrastructure. We will engage our partners and utilize resources to advance priority projects. We will develop a safe and connected system that includes pathways, sidewalks and a multi-modal approach to solve congestion challenges and roadway deficiencies.

Goals and Strategies

Advance construction of transportation projects on priority arterial roadways to reduce commute times and improve efficient movement within and about Meridian.

  • Identify road projects that improve efficient movement of traffic in Meridian.
  • Utilize City funds and partnerships to advance the construction of identified priority road projects.
  • Coordinate to design projects in advance to leverage cost and market opportunities.


Prioritize, plan and advocate for road and sidewalk improvements making connections to increase accessibility and safety while traveling to schools, parks and areas of community interest.

  • Prioritize projects in ACHD FYWP to make connections to Discovery Park and Owyhee High School.
  • Create and utilize public task forces to advocate for transportation needs.
  • Analyze existing roadway, sidewalk and pathway networks to improve connectivity to parks, grocery, schools, and regional destinations.


Enhance our pathway network through property investment, agreements and construction to create continuous pathways with additional connection points.

  • Prioritize and construct new pathway connections to schools, downtown and regional gathering places.
  • Ensure development connects pathways as part of development agreements.
  • Research and advocate for grant programs to support pathway system development.
  • Enhance community awareness of pathway system.
  • Evaluate the viability of using pathway right of way for conduit and fiber connectivity.


Invest and provide street lighting to increase overall safety and walkability in neighborhoods.

  • Advance streetlighting projects through the Streetscape and Community Character workgroup.
  • Investigate and implement streetlight funding options to secure long-term program financing.
  • Identify underserved areas of the community for streetlight investment.


Outcome Measure

Achievement of the top three transportation improvements (Citizen Survey Q9).

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