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Vibrant and Sustainable Community

Meridian will create vibrant places for our citizens, embrace sustainable practices, and preserve natural spaces. We will provide innovatively designed parks and recreational offerings. We will respond to citizen desires to be stewards of our natural environment. We will partner with our community and developers to create beautiful open spaces, and cultivate art and cultural opportunities.

Goals and Strategies

Develop premier open spaces, indoor facilities, amenities and public art projects to enhance the overall quality of life.

  • Implement public outdoor WIFI in key gathering spaces within the City of Meridian.
  • Identify needed public open spaces as part of regional planning and engage the community and City Council on funding options.
  • Build Discovery Park Phase II with regional amenities that the community desires.
  • Develop a public art plan for upcoming community projects.
  • Upgrade and improve Lakeview Golf Course to align with our premier park system.
  • Create an Urban Forestry Management Plan.


Execute financially responsible, sustainable and environmentally conscious projects to promote energy efficiency, waste stream reduction, and water conservation.

  • Pursue utility-related sustainable and environmentally conscious projects.
  • Create a comprehensive energy efficiency plan for the City of Meridian.
  • Evaluate and implement solutions for recycling and solid waste reduction to the landfill.


Identify, improve, and support public spaces, events and program offerings that contribute to a premier and vibrant community.

  • Improve neighborhood identity with community events and projects.
  • Establish Meridian as an AARP livable community.
  • Fill gaps in current recreational offerings/community programs and pursue viable options.
  • Target sporting events and tournaments to promote our premier amenities and community character.


Preserve Meridian’s historic buildings, events, heritage and identity through active efforts with community stakeholders.

  • Develop strategies for historic preservation of neighborhood character, buildings and other efforts.
  • Collaborate with community members to consider neighborhood districts, parks identity and other options.
  • Utilize the Historic Register to identify significant recognition of Meridian properties.
  • Support the Historic Dairy Days events.


Outcome Measure

Improvement on the city is an ideal place to live (Citizen Survey Q2, #4)

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