Red Ribbon Week 2024: “Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free.”
Meridian Police Department K9 Demonstration: learn about the training required for K9's and their handlers to help keep our community safe while conducting area searches, apprehensions and narcotics detection. (3 min. video- ideal for sharing on morning announcements, in the classroom and/or social media)
The United States Drug Enforcement Administration provides information on how Red Ribbon Week originated and resources to help you create your own RRW activities (toolkit, photo & video contest, scout patch program and more).
National Family Partnership is the sponsor for the National Red Ribbon Campaign. They have provided everything you need to celebrate Red Ribbon Week, from resource links to lesson plans. This year they are providing virtual activities while social distancing. (K-12)
Natural High provides all content free of charge so that kids, educators and families everywhere can access quality drug and alcohol prevention resources. Natural High videos are the highlight of this content, featuring a variety of celebrities known to youth talking about living a drug free life. (Middle & High School)
NEW... Local High School Student, Sydney Nate, shares her Natural High: 30 sec. Public Service Announcement (PSA)
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Lesson Plans and Activities, with teachers guide about the dangers of synthetic drugs.
Click here for additional prevention resources recommended by MADC.

Red Ribbon Week Natural High Kite Project