The Meridian Police Department partners with Bike Index for a free way to register your bicycle. The resource allows you as the community member to register your bicycle if lost or stolen in addition to filing a report or to simply have it in the system.
If your bicycle is stolen, please file a report by calling 208-846-7300 or file an online report here.
Bike Index is a third-party non-profit organization. For more information on Bike Index please visit:

Why register your bicycle?
This program is the most widely used and successful bicycle registration service in the world with over 404,000 cataloged bikes, 1,040 community partners and tens of thousands of daily searches.

How to register your bicycle
Fill out one of the two forms below. Please include a photo of your bicycle and any other distinguishing marks.

Locating your bicycle's serial number
There are many places on your bicycle with an engraved serial number. One place to look is the top bottom bracket between the bicycle pedals.

If your stolen bicycle is located
Notify Meridian Police Department. Then log in to Bike Index account, click the gears on the top right, select your bikes, edit bikes and then delete.
Bike Index Registration Form: