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Floodplain Information

Meridian participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This allows Meridian property owners to purchase insurance against flood losses and be eligible for federal disaster aid.

Meridian has achieved a Class 8 rating as members of the Community Rating System, an NFIP program that rewards communities that go above and beyond the minimum program requirements by giving residents discounts on flood insurance premiums. The program includes activities in Public Information, Mapping, Flood Damage Reduction, and Flood Preparedness.

Floodplain Development Permit applications are online using the Citizens Access Portal at» under Residential or Commercial Flood Certificates. For structures in the floodplain, generally, two elevation certificates are required with one at the time of foundation inspection and one after construction is complete.

To view the FEMA Elevation Certificate PDF, visit»

Meridian’s watershed consists of four creeks that are mapped by FEMA as Special Flood Hazard Areas: Fivemile, Eightmile, Ninemile, and Tenmile Creeks. 

Is my property in the floodplain?

To find out if your property is currently in the floodplain check the FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer map at». To check if your property was removed from the floodplain through Letters of Map Revision, please visit».

Floodplain Development Resources

Meridian’s Public Works Department can assist you with the following information upon request:

  • Determine whether a property is in or out of a Special Flood Hazard area or a FEMA-designated Floodway.
  • Provide flood insurance data for a site, such as base flood elevation and/or depth.
  • Provide information on historical flooding at site (if available).
  • Provide copies of Elevation Certificates for subject properties that were permitted through the City of Meridian.

Natural and Beneficial Functions of Meridian's Waterways

Floods are Natural – A floodplain is defined as the area that stores water during a flood event.  Floodplains plan an important role in reducing flood risks as well as the frequency, severity, and duration of flooding.  Floodplains also recharge our groundwater supply and provide habitat for plants and animals. A great example of this is the Fivemile Creek restoration project, which helped flourish the habitat between the creek and the land. 

Flood Warning Information Links: 

Flood Safety

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Information »

FEMA ABS's of Returning to Flooded Buildings PDF»

Flood Warning Systems

Ada County Code Red Alert System » 

Ada County Emergency Management at».

NOAA Flooding in Idaho at».

Check current Boise River flow and view Flood Inundation Map at».

Floods are dangerous! Floods can cause massive property damage and can pose a considerable safety risk. Just one inch of water can cause $25,00 of damage to your home.

We encourage all citizens to learn about local flood risks, take steps to reduce damage, and be prepared. This can aid in quick recovery from flooding if it happensFlood insurance is available to property owners in jurisdictions participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. Flood insurance is a requirement for structures located in the Special Flood Hazard Area that have mortgages from financial institutions that are federally insured.

FEMA/NFIP Technical Bulletins at»

Idaho Department of Water Resources Floodplain Management at»

Flood Insurance 

Flood insurance is available to property owners in jurisdictions participating in the National Flood Insurance Program.

Flood insurance is a requirement for structures located in the Special Flood Hazard Area that have mortgages from financial institutions that are federally insured.

For flood insurance resources, visit: 

FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) at».

To find a policy visit».

Flood risk on Meridian’s four creeks comes predominantly from winter and spring flooding events caused by warm rain and rapidly melting snow on frozen ground. Historical examples of this type of flooding in Meridian are documented in a 1963 newspaper article»

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